With 27 years of advertising, corporate and editorial experience as a backdrop, I am quite familiar with how to turn ideas into images that communicate. I start by understanding each client's visual strategy, their market and their audience, and then I work to further that vision by creating photos or films that carry those messages within the subject, the look, and composition of the finals.
My emphasis on integrating the visual, verbal, and strategic positioning of a project into the final images has earned recognition from local, regional and national Art Director’s Clubs, as well as from Communication Arts, Graphis, Print, PEI, PDN and PhotoDesign.
To discuss an assignment,
call 302•234•1100
Located in Yorklyn, Delaware, I serve and have served a variety of U.S. and international clients, including Citibank, DuPont, Goldman Sachs, House Industries, WL Gore, Air Liquide, Adidas, Uncle Goose, The University of Pennsylvania, The University of Delaware, The University of Maryland, Time Life Publications, National Geographic, and Meredith Publications.